Education & Recreation
The thought of having fun, playing with friends and neighbours, or having any kind of enjoyment seems impossible when living in extreme poverty. Families live without hope and motivation, and hunger and survival become part of daily life. So much skill and talent amongst those living in poverty is lost.
It is the role of the Education & Recreation Team to create an opportunity to learn new skills, to find hidden talents and to bring people together, taking away any feeling of isolation and loneliness.
“I am promising you that where you are not, we are there for you! We are thankful and we love you!”
Sanyu Jennifer
Education & Recreation Division Leader

Beneficiaries have the opportunity to be involved in so many new activities, sports and workshops to learn new skills. Every week, lessons in literacy, craft and textiles, dance, sports, carpentry, masonry and even introductions to languages are part of the program.
All activities are provided and organised by Priestmead Staff, but primarily it’s the beneficiaries themselves teaching the lessons and activities. So many previously hidden or lost talents emerge through this part of the Program allowing new skills to be learned and shared by one another.

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